1. Client Category: Luxury Product Blogger
Ad Server Integration, Detailed Ad Targeting, Campaign Management, Optimization, and Billing Reconciliation.
Business Problem:
The client was using hardcoded ads on their website due to limited knowledge of ad servers and integrations. This approach prevented them from monitoring ad impressions and rotating ads programmatically. Additionally, they struggled with responsive ads for users on medium and small screens.
ClimpM Solution:
We conducted a thorough review of the website to understand user navigation, content categories, and page layouts. This included analyzing the homepage, content categories, and different page types to create a detailed graphical representation of ad slot positions and sizes for each responsive. screen (desktop, tablet, mobile). We recommended using Google Ad Manager, as the client's traffic did not require a 360 version of the Ad Server.
Our Process:
- Reviewed the website.
- Provided graphical representations of ad positions and sizes for each screen size.
- Evaluated the Ad Server.
- Generated ad tags and created implementation documentation for the client's development team.
- Conducted testing and quality analysis of the ad tag implementation and test ads.
The client was able to schedule ads via Google Ad Manager, target ads based on site-wide categories or specific articles, and accurately report impressions. They could forecast inventory and provide better data to their sales team for improved sales proposals. Most importantly, the client gained control over their entire inventory, eliminating the need for developers to hardcode ads.
2. Client Category: Out-Stream Video Demand Partner
Custom JS Code Compatibility with Google Ad Manager, In-House Frame Buster, and Responsive Player.
Business Problem:
The client had a custom out-stream solution that worked best as standalone code on publisher websites. However, most of their publishers used Google Ad Manager for ad serving and wanted the out-stream ads integrated into their setup. The custom out-stream code also required modifications to resize for different screen sizes and fit into fixed or 1x1 ad slots.
ClimpM Solution:
We added a frame buster to the custom JS code and predefined the screen size within the code to ensure it worked within fixed and 1x1 ad slots. We also implemented responsive capabilities. Additionally, we provided trafficking guidelines for the client's publishers.
Our Process:
- Decoded the custom JS code and added an in-house frame buster.
- Tested the code for functionality.
- Integrated in-house responsive code.
- Explained the solution to the client's development team for future modifications.
The client was able to run their custom JS code via Google Ad Manager with a responsive out-stream video player for all major screen sizes. The frame buster ensured the ads worked within fixed or 1x1 ad slots without requiring any website code changes from the publisher.
3. Client Category: Blogging Websites
Block Google AdSense, Ad-Exchange, or Any Ad Server on Specific Pages.
Business Problem:
The client needed to block ads from showing on pages that violated ad policies or contained restricted keywords. They had previously been suspended from ad services and needed a dynamic solution to automatically block ads on such pages to avoid future violations.
ClimpM Solution:
We identified content sources and built a backend solution that informed the ad server to avoid displaying ads on policy-violating pages.
Our Process:
- Studied the website to understand how content was populated, published, and tagged
- Built code that identified violating pages based on URLs, keywords, and tags.
- Informed the ad server to block ads from displaying on such pages.
The client was able to dynamically block ads on policy-violating pages, preventing future suspensions. This solution ensured uninterrupted and compliant ad serving, contributing to continuous revenue growth.
4. Client Category: Display Ad Demand Network
One Wallpaper/Skin Code for Multiple Websites with Different Layouts and CSS.
Business Problem:
The client had several publishers, each with different website layouts and CSS. They needed a single code to serve wallpaper ads across all publishers without maintaining different versions of the wallpaper code for each publisher, which had become difficult to manage and prone to errors.
ClimpM Solution:
We grouped publishers by similar layout patterns and built a single wallpaper code that identified the layout in real-time, correctly mapping and displaying the wallpaper for each publisher's website.
Our Process:
- Studied publisher websites to identify common layout patterns.
- Grouped similar layouts and built a code that identified the layout type at runtime.
- Mapped the wallpaper code to align correctly with each website's layout.
The client was able to use one wallpaper ad code across all publisher websites, saving hundreds of hours that would have been spent maintaining and trafficking different versions of the code.
5. Client Category: Network of Websites
One Creative with Dynamic Click URL Based on Domain Name.
Business Problem:
The client managed over 100 websites and needed a different tracking URL for each site. Previously, they used Google Ad Manager and created separate line items for each website to ensure correct URL tracking, which was a time-consuming process.
ClimpM Solution:
We built a database that mapped click tracking URLs to each domain. This database was integrated into a custom creative solution that identified the domain where the ad was being served and called the corresponding click tracking URL from the database.
The client could now use one single custom code for all domains, which automatically called the correct click tracking URL based on the domain. This saved hundreds of hours that would have been spent manually trafficking separate line items for each domain.
All information in this document is confidential and the sole property of Climp Media Private Limited and its affiliates.
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